homeless adalah homeless adalah Homeless dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti tunawisma, homeless atau tunawisma mengacu pada kondisi seseorang yang tidak memiliki tempat tinggal Although United States of America is a rich country, many of its citizens still suffer from poverty and homelessness. Homelessness is a form of absolute poverty This research aims to identify the causes and solutions of homelessness in the United States of America. The approach used in this research is multidisciplinary approach using economics, social, cultural, and political theories. The data were obtained from library and internet material. This research also used films and various literary works as the mental evidence used in the discussion. According to the findings, there are four factors that cause homelessness in the United States of America, i.e. economic, social, cultural, and political factors. The cause of homelessness from economic factor is poverty, from social factors are substance abuse, mental disorder, and domestic violence, from the cultural factor are the American society do not practice extended family system and there are groups of people who hold the culture of poverty, and from the political factor is the inadequacy of social policy made by the government to end homelessness. The solutions to solve the problem of homelessness in the United States of America come from the government and private party. The Government made social policy to handle homelessness with service and income policy and housing policy. The private party gave charity to the homeless by providing food, shelter, and health service. To end homelessness in America, the program should be made for long-term, not only in the form of charity, and should target to the main cause of the homelessness which is poverty.
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homeless adalah Homeless millenials artinya adalah barisan anak muda (yang lahir antara 1982 – 1995) yang tak sanggup membeli rumah sendiri. Mungkin karena My partner and i are trying to transition some of the homeless vets out here into affordable housing. Rekan kerjaku dan aku mencoba untuk memindahkan beberapa